Monday, December 28, 2009

Pictures from Puallup Cat show December 2009

Queenie Best Kitten and Alexander 7th best Kitten Judge : Pam Barrett, Queenie Best Kitten Judge: Ellen Crockett

Monday, December 7, 2009

Coatimondi Cat Club December 4,5,6 2009, pictured winning Best Kitten with Judges: Vicki Fisher and Fate Mays

Templeparlor Queen Hatshepsut "Queenie" had a great show! Winning six Best Kitten Awards under Judges: Carlos Lopez, Alex Chisholm, Don Carouthers, Fate Mays, Harley DeVillibiss, and Vicki Fisher! Two 2nd Best Kittens, Four 4th best Kittens, one 5th Best, and One 7th Best Kitten awards under judges: Canie Brooks, Karen Stinson, Candy Jacobson, Alice Rhea, Kay DeVillibiss, Heather Roberts, Marylou Anderson, and Kim Tomlin! Thanks to all the Judges, Clerks, and Exhibitors Bobbi Tullo: who were so supportive and nice, for loving my kitten "Queenie", and contributing to what was a great show and great hospility and for all the efforts to make a wonderful weekend!