Angel/hattie - has been adopted by her new family, she obviously choose them, by playing and showing her cuteness when Craig and Akika came to meet her. We will all miss her initiating kitten games around the parlor, and especially at night when she comes onto the bed announcing herself with her little cha cha purr purr, sound mixed with her ascent. She's a healer, sleeping on my sternum and purring all night vibrating my lungs and heart, and who knows maybe even creating a frequency for good dreaming! In the ancient Egyptian pantheon of animal deities Bast-et the cat Goddess was in charge of protecting the home, and I certainly feel protected with Angel purring on my chest, Coco on my right and Nefertiti on my left. Last night with Angel Hattie spending her first night in her new home, Nefertiti changed spots and slept on my shoulder and chest, purring. Coco waited by the door and looked the most aware that her friend left. Here is a picture of Angel - Little Wing- Hattie's Hat, smiling, her name is like the line in Rumi's poem, " I was given a hat to wear in both worlds..." best wishes to Craig, Akika, Hattie, and the chocolate Himalayan boy that will be her new kitten brother!